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Nadex Nadex is an online binary options site also offering forex and spread betting using IG Group software licensed in Illinois. It is one of 2 online sites owned by IG. Binary Option Brokers with Low Minimum Deposit. Without making large investment, binary options are the best way to earn a profit. Brokers offer a condition to deposit with minimum amount because most of the brokers try to attract the number of possible customers. Those brokers who offer with minimum deposit of trading binary options shows their loyalty to their customers and in the beginning they allow. Binary options, in spite of being lucrative, is an expensive affair in the long run with brokerages, rate cuts, licenses and high hosting fees. When a new exchange suddenly offers you a lot of bonuses in the very beginning itself, there is a high chance that the broker might be a rigged one. A binary option is a financial option in which the payoff is a fixed amount or nothing at all. Binary options can be deceptive, yet they are simple to understand, which makes them a popular choice among low skilled traders. Binary Rules Winner Predictions Pay 95% / Losers & Draws Take 100%. Currency Price 10-min 60-min 24-hour; BTC: $18,306.8700: Sell Buy.

In recent times Binary Options have been the subject of a lot of negative press. The key question is whether this is a true ‘trading system, or merely gambling?

Whether you feel the edge that the trading sites have is unbeatable, or whether insights and knowledge of the markets can help you trade your way to riches – there are still big advantages to using Bitcoin instead of dollars or Euros to trade.

First up, this article looks at how Binary Options trading works and the associated pros and cons. After that, you’ll find some information on how to get started with Bitcoin Binary Options, aimed at those not familiar with crypto-currencies. Finally, some of the big advantages of BTC trading are discussed.

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How Do Bitcoin Binary Options Work?

To begin with it is important to understand how Binary Options Trading works. This is the same whether you trade in Bitcoin or any other currency.

The ‘binary’ part of Binary Options comes from the fact that the outcome of any trade has only two possible results. You either win or lose.

There are many markets available, and you are betting that the price of a stock, commodity or currency will or will not be above a specific level at a set time in the future. Trades have different durations, ranging from 60 seconds to a week or more. Here is a simple example based on a stock.

The current price of a stock is $1000. You make a bet that the stock price of company X will be higher than $1000 by the close of the markets tomorrow, trading $100 on this outcome. This is a binary result, either the stock will be over $1000 or it will not. If it is, you will be paid $170 (the exact amount will depend on the site and your contract, though 1.7-to-1 is typical). If you lose then you’ll get $15 of your stake back (again, this can vary). If you preferred, you could also bet on the ‘below’ option, betting that the price of the stock will drop below $1000 by the close of markets tomorrow. This outcome has the same pay-outs.

Every time you make a trade in Binary Options, you will be trying to use your knowledge of the markets or individual companies to beat the spread and win some cash. This is not as easy as it seems on the surface, and the sites have a long term edge of up to 7.5% on the trades. Having said that many people do trade professionally, making a profit by staying selective or sticking to an area that they understand well.

Options that Include Bitcoin Prices

Many of the earliest exchanges which allowed you to deposit and trade in Bitcoin only include contracts on the price of Bitcoins themselves. For example you could bet that the price of Bitcoin would go up by 5% in a set period (as measured in dollars). Nowadays, the exchanges which allow you to deposit and bet in BTC have expanded, and offer a huge range of markets including stocks, currencies and commodities.

How Do I Get Started With Binary Options Bitcoin Trading?

There are 3 steps to get through before you can make your first Bitcoin Binary Options trade. These are all easy enough once you know what the process is.

First of all you need to buy yourself some Bitcoin. In order to hold this, you’ll need a Bitcoin wallet. There are two types – though the standard online ones offered by major sites including BTC-E and CoinBase are sufficient for general use. You can use those same global portals to buy your first coins (or micro-Bitcoins). Once you gain experience at using this currency, then you will be able to find other places to buy the coins and transfer them to your wallet.

Next you need to select a Binary Options site. Those that accept only Bitcoin will usually allow you to register anonymously (with only an e-mail address). Some other sites which primarily work with mainstream currencies will require some personal information. There are a lot of sites to choose from. It can make sense to do a little background checking before you jump in.

When you are ready to deposit, go to the cashier section of your Binary Options site and hit the ‘Deposit Bitcoin’ button. This will usually give you both a long string of letters and numbers and a QR code for mobiles. The string is the Bitcoin receiver Id – you will use this to transfer the Bitcoin from your wallet to the site. This transaction should be instant, and you’ll be up and running in just a few minutes and ready to make your first trade.

Withdrawing your winnings is just as easy. You’ll put the string which identifies your Bitcoin wallet into the cashier, and click the ‘Withdraw’ button.

Binary Options are gaining popularity at a rapid pace, and by trading in Bitcoin you can enjoy this new form of trading without the transaction fees and document checks associated with using mainstream currencies. However, as with all forms of gambling, be sure to exercise caution, as binary options websites have a larger edge than many other gambling games.

Before we can discuss winning in binary options and applying the recommended steps outlined below, we need to establish the type of binary options traders out there.

Before you start conjuring up images of speedboats, palm trees and Miami, let me inform you that winning consistently in binary options is not easy. It requires careful optimization of your odds.

To understand this better, let’s look at a case study of Don Johnson, a professional Blackjack player who beat the casinos for millions on numerous occasions. He now works as a consultant to casinos all over the world.

Basically, he was able to beat the biggest casinos in Las Vegas because he found a way to increase his odds by meticulous planning and almost scientific attention to details of each deal.

How is this relevant to binary options and trading, you may ask. Trading is also a numbers game. One really needs to understand the numbers of potential risk and profit in order to build a winning trading strategy that can produce consistent profits.

For example, there is a big difference in numbers and profits when you win 75% of the time and when you win 80% of the time.

It’s all about understanding your risk exposure and profit potential and optimizing the conditions of your trades to achieve better results and stay on the winning side.


Just like Don would carefully study the casinos and the options offered by them, a binary options trader should study the brokers to see which broker will offer the best odds.

In addition, a binary options trader must look at trading strategies that minimize losses and gradually increase trading profits.

Depending on your broker set up, on average you need to have a trading strategy that gives you at least 60% of wins in order to make money in binary options.

What works for some users may not necessarily work for others. Moreover, not everyone will be committed to do what it takes to win because motivation and character play a big role in that.

So let’s first meet the people who play binary options, as they can be clearly divided into specific groups based on their desires, motivation, available free time, and patience.

Types of the most common binary options traders

What works for some users may not necessarily work for others. Moreover, not everyone will be committed to do what it takes to win because motivation and character play a big role in that.

So let’s first meet the people who trade binary options who are not professional traders or trade for a living. We can assume that professional traders know how to use binary options effectively to enhance and diversify their investment portfolios. However, with the exception of few countries, binary options is generally open to all members of the public who are of legal age and have some money to invest or play with.

The most common types of non-professional traders can be clearly divided into specific groups based on their desires, motivation, available free time, and patience.

Jack – The Gambler who just wants to gamble

Meet Jack with a gambling personality. He loves the odds of binary options and the rush from 60-second trades online. Jack trades by looking at the tick chart provided by his broker and his gut feeling. He doesn’t do technical or fundamental analysis but he just believes in his luck and intuition. Sure, it landed him in trouble before, but when he is on a winning streak he can make it all back and then some. He approaches binary options like a roulette table in a casino. ‘One must dream big’, he often says.

ADVICE TO JACK – Take all your winnings and run. The longer you play the more you will lose because the odds in binary options are in favor of your broker. If you are in profit than you’ve already won. Now it’s the perfect time to stop.

Lucy – The Bonus Taker who gave it a shot

Meet Lucy who was initially very interested in binary options and has invested some of her money on trades as advised by her broker on the phone. Unfortunately she lost half of her investment already and is now desperate to win in back. Lucy also accepted the bonus offer from her broker and her account is now locked until she makes more trades. She is much smarter with her money than the reckless gambler and she understands that there is more to binary options trading than meets the eye. However, she is still at a university completing her degree and has no time to learn trading now. She is worried that she will lose her money completely if she continues to trade herself.

ADVICE TO LUCY – At this stage your best option is to use a professional signal service and copy the trades of professional traders. Yes, it is a paid service but it will at least allow you to compete at a level where you can actually start winning. Compare binary options signals here. If you don’t have time to learn and to practice trading now, using professional signals is your best option.

Dennis – The Trader with a goal to win

Meet Dennis who found out about binary options and got really excited about this new investment opportunity. Unlike Jack or Lucy he does not jump in to start trading immediately. He first opens a free demo account and places some trades. However he quickly understands that trading binary options is not a game and needs a serious approach. Dennis knows that he needs to learn to trade if he wants to keep winning and that he can not rely on everything his broker tells him. He read a lot of sad stories of people who quickly drained their trading accounts by paying heed to their broker’s suggestions and he is smart enough not to make the same mistakes they did. Dennis understands that he needs to have an edge over his broker in order to win in binary options and be profitable.

ADVICE TO DENNIS – Although Dennis is new to trading he quickly grasped that it is much more difficult and challenging that he initially thought. The advice to Dennis is to try to learn directly from a professional trader or other reputable sources and to practice as much as possible before trading on a live account.

Ilona – The News Trader

Meet Ilona who is a very clever binary options trader. She works as a secretary for a mining company and follows world affairs very closely. Ilona knows the mining industry quite well and trades binary options on news and recommendations she hears in the office or the press. She understands the connections between certain current affairs and the prices of commodities. She finds binary options platforms very easy to use and convenient. Ilona trades commodities like Gold, Silver, and Copper but only when she is quite certain of the outcome. Most of her trades are entered via a mobile application and last a few days. She usually wins but suffers an occasional loss too.

ADVICE TO ILONA – As a professional directly involved in the commodity market she has very good access to information and she uses that to her advantage. This edge helps her to beat the broker and make a profit in binary options. Although Ilona’s system has value she could benefit from confirming her trades with technical analysis. However this requires more time and additional set of skills to learn.

There may be other types of binary options traders yet these four types of people generally sum it up. Although some of them may win a few times, all of them will benefit from the following advice.

About 90% of traders lose. Trading is not easy and there is much more to it than placing trades. A lot of trading is psychological but it is also about optimising your odds and controlling your risk exposure.

Below are the steps that should be followed before committing to trade binary options online. More importantly they should be followed by anyone who is serious about winning.

Understand how binary options work

This may sound very obvious but many people trade binary options without actually fully understanding how they work.

In a common scenario of 80% payout to a 100% loss you need to win 55.55% of the time to break even.

If you lose your trade than you lose 100% of your traded amount.

The good thing about binary options is that the rules are clearly defined right from the outset and it is impossible to lose more than your traded amount.

Binary Options Chart

This is different from Forex or stock trading where due to slippage or huge sudden price changes, the trader, if not protected by the broker, can actually lose a lot more than the traded amount.

In binary options however, the brokers are the market makers and they set the odds to their advantage, similarly to a casino.

Open a demo account with a regulated broker

Trading with a regulated broker is much safer and more secure, but the broker needs to be regulated in the country of your legal residence. If you’re in the USA your only option is Nadex exchange. Instead of using an unregulated and dodgy binary options broker that might steal your money, use a long-established and fully regulated CFD broker, such as EasyMarkets. For more information about brokers please read our guide on how to choose a broker.

Always, always practice your trading on a demo account. Not only will this improve your strategy, timing, and platform experience, it will also prepare you psychologically for the real thing.

Practice your best trading strategy on a demo as long as it takes until you become profitable (in theory at least) Our advice is not to trade on a live account until you’ve grown your demo account by at least 100% making at least 100 trades using your tested strategy.

If you can accomplish this with your strategy you might be ready for the real thing, but make sure that your broker is regulated.

Trading with a regulated broker is much safer and more secure, but the broker needs to be regulated in the country of your legal residence. If you’re in the USA your only option is Nadex exchange.

Instead of using an unregulated and dodgy binary options broker that might steal your money, use a long-established and fully regulated binary options of CFD broker, such as or EasyMarkets.

Familiarize yourself with your broker’s trading platform

Once you open a demo account familiarize yourself with the trading platform and all of its functionalities. Make various trades on a demo to see how the platform behaves and how it performs. Also read your broker’s rules and conditions for withdrawal before you make any deposits and begin to trade.

BONUS OFFERS – If you decide to accept a bonus offer for your initial deposit understand that there will be certain limitations imposed on your account, such as minimum amount of trades before your first withdrawal.

Choose an appropriate trading strategy

In order to win at binary options you must follow a trading strategy. You will not win by guessing. Your strategy could be based on technical analysis (charts) or/and fundamental analysis (news).

There are many trading strategies available but unfortunately what works for some may not work for others. You can view examples of some strategies by looking at our Free trading strategies section. The strategy you choose should take into account your time availability, experience and your skill level.

Use professional charts for technical analysis

Binary Options Strategy

Your broker will most likely offer online charts but many traders prefer to use third-party superior charting software for technical analysis. These include free platforms such as MetaTrader or ThinkorSwim.

Using better charting software will allow you to be a better trader. One of the greatest advantages is that you can add indicators and draw your analysis to your charts and it will stay there until your remove it from your charts. Your broker’s charts do not offer this type of flexibility.

All professional traders use dedicated charting software because it is more reliable and it gives them more information and better tools for analysis.

You may find that in order to run those professional charting programs you will require to update your computer, or get a dedicated computer for trading.

Practice your strategy and signals on a demo account first

In order to become confident and test your trading strategy use a binary options demo account. Only proceed to trading on a real live account if you’re winning on a demo account! Otherwise do not proceed to trade with real money.

In addition to trading on a demo account every serious trader should keep a trading journal in which all taken trades are clearly registered, including the reasons for taking the trades and their results. This should be done with utmost care so that it can form a basis for your trading on a live account. If you choose to subscribe to professional binary options signals you should first test them on a demo account to see how and if they work.

Understand risk management/exposure

All professional traders will agree that risk management is the most important aspect of trading. It is also the main reason why even good traders can actually lose money and ultimately fail.

Risk management should be studied on its own but for the purpose of this brief guide, it must be said that you should never trade more on each position than 5% of your investment capital. Many professional traders use 1% or 2% for each position.

If you deposit $1000 into your broker’s account, the maximum amount you should place on a trade is $50, which is 5% of 1000. We use percentage to indicate the trade amount as it is a relative number and should be adjusted with your capital.

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If your investment capital increases to $10,000 the maximum amount for each trade could be adjusted to $500. Subversively, if you account decreases to $500 the maximum amount put on each trade should not exceed $25. To learn more about the subject read Risk Management 101.

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Create and follow your trading plan

In order to win consistently one should create and follow a trading plan. The plan is basically your trading manual which is custom prepared for you, and only you. Your trading plan should include your strategy, your goals and expectations, and clearly defined rules of behavior. The good trading plan will help you to become a disciplined and a profitable trader.

Before you venture into the world of binary options trading please remember that it can be risky to your capital. Simply put, do not trade what you can’t afford to lose.

Compare binary options signals

Trading and/or betting on financial markets is mostly a numbers game, but it also requires a lot of discipline, patience, and self control.

If you are not a trader or simply don’t have the time to do your own technical analysis, your best alternative is to use professional trading signals that will help you win in binary options.

To find the right binary options trading signal or strategy, please refer to our free online guide about binary options signals. This guide also contains reviews and a comparison of winning binary option traders and professional signal providers.

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